Inky Escapades

Inky Escapades

My website is currently under reconfiguration and I will be back and taking orders as of 3rd October 2024.

Top Hat Mad Hatter style Workshop

Come and create this fabulous Mad Hatter Style Hat.

You will be shown how to take a one size top hat or start from scratch using a lampshade (if I have any available) and using Powertex and Recycled Fabrics and resin, clay, greyboard and mdf elements turn it into your very own festival hat.

I will lead you through the process step by step creating the armature. Adding all the various fabric layers and embellishments. Finally the colouring process which is always the Wow! factor in Powertex.
Full Day 10:00am to 5:00pm/6:00pm
plus a 2nd 2/3hr session to finish the colour.
