Inky Escapades

I am currently closed for the Christmas break and I will be back and taking orders as of 7th January 2025. Thank you!


How It Works

Initially you will sign up for 3 months with a monthly direct debit payment from £30 per month.

You will be able to choose 3 projects from a current offering of 27.

These 27 videos are split into 3 groups.

You may choose 1 video tutorial from each group:

Group One

Stone Art Clay Hare, Stone Art Clay Fox, Highland Cow Head, Robin, Fabric Cat, Blue Tit, Fabric Sculptured Dog, Polar Bear and Badger.

Group Two

Fabric Patchwork Hare, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Ceremonial Elephant, a Mixed Media Canvas, Seabird, Stone Art Starfish, Triptych Mixed Media,  Naiad (Water Sprite Sculpture), Contemporary Crane, Mixed Media Block or Toadstool.

Group Three

Heart Fabric Sculpted, Journal, Christmas Baubles, Steampunk Guitar, Green Man Wall Plaque Garden Sculpture or Bottle Lamps.

You can then choose from 3 different CLUB options.


Which will give you the video tutorials only for £30 per month.


Which will give you the video tutorials and the craft pack (no Powertex) £40 per month.


Which will give you the video tutorials, the craft pack and the core Powertex Products for £50 per month.

Please Note if you choose the Club 75 or Club 99 options you may only choose one kit for one project as your initial sign up.

You will receive your subsequent kits in the following months as each new video tutorial is released.

Please email me your choice of kit and or products for your initial sign up membership

As a member you can also suggest the subjects for my video tutorials 

You may opt out of the membership after the initial 3 months if you feel it is not for you or you can continue to receive a project once a month.

I will be adding new projects of my own design all the time and you can suggest new video subjects from the workshop designs that I offer on my website.

You can change between memberships if you wish, either upgrading or downgrading between the three different clubs.

I can also change your options for video choice via email if you so wish once you have signed up. 

You will also be entitled to a 10% discount on the Powertex Core products in my store for the time you are a member.

With an average price of £50 per video tutorial you will be saving 50% on the current offerings on my website.

A 27th Video Tutorial will be launched in March 2025.

I will bring you a Brand New Video Tutorial once a month and you can keep choosing from the remaining ones you have not yet had if you do not fancy the new one.

I hope you are excited to join my Membership Club and watch your skills grow with my help and expertise. You will be able to email me with any questions you may have and I am hoping to set up a creative group on Facebook so you can all share your creations.

I will be notified once you sign up for a membership and I will email you the Video Tutorials and if you have opted for the craft pack or the craft pack and the core Powertex Products I will package these and send them off to you asap.

I look forward to welcoming you onboard

Karen x 

Club 50

£30 per month.

Video Tutorials only.

Club 75

£40 per month.

Video Tutorials and the Craft Pack (no Powertex).

Club 99

£50 per month.

Video Tutorials, the Craft Pack and the core Powertex Products.

Here are some of the video tutorials you will have access to